Using Phar Archives: IntroductionPhar archives are similar in concept to Java JAR archives, but are tailored to the needs and to the flexibility of PHP applications. A Phar archive is used to distribute a complete PHP application or library in a single file. A Phar archive application is used exactly like any other PHP application: php coolapplication.phar Using a Phar archive library is identical to using any other PHP library:
<?php The phar stream wrapper provides the core of the phar extension, and is explained in detail here. The phar stream wrapper allows accessing the files within a phar archive using PHP's standard file functions fopen(), opendir(), and others that work on regular files. The phar stream wrapper supports all read/write operations on both files and directories.
<?php The Phar class implements advanced functionality for accessing files and for creating phar archives. The Phar class is explained in detail here.
<?php In addition, verification of phar file contents can be done using any of the supported symmetric hash algorithms (MD5, SHA1, SHA256 and SHA512 if ext/hash is enabled) and using asymmetric public/private key signing using OpenSSL (new in Phar 2.0.0). To take advantage of OpenSSL signing, you need to generate a public/private key pair, and use the private key to set the signature using Phar::setSignatureAlgorithm(). In addition, the public key as extracted using this code:
<?php As of version 2.0.0, The Phar class also provides 3 static methods, Phar::webPhar(), Phar::mungServer() and Phar::interceptFileFuncs() that are crucial to packaging up PHP applications designed for usage on regular filesystems and for web-based applications. Phar::webPhar() implements a front controller that routes HTTP calls to the correct location within the phar archive. Phar::mungServer() is used to modify the values of the $_SERVER array to trick applications that process these values. Phar::interceptFileFuncs() instructs Phar to intercept calls to fopen(), file_get_contents(), opendir(), and all of the stat-based functions (file_exists(), is_readable() and so on) and route all relative paths to locations within the phar archive. As an example, packaging up a release of the popular phpMyAdmin application for use as a phar archive requires only this simple script and then phpMyAdmin.phar.tar.php can be accessed as a regular file from your web server after modifying the user/password:
<?php |
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