PDO_INFORMIX DSN(PECL PDO_INFORMIX >= 0.1.0) PDO_INFORMIX DSN — Connecting to Informix databases ОписаниеThe PDO_INFORMIX Data Source Name (DSN) is based on the Informix ODBC DSN string. Details on configuring an Informix ODBC DSN are available from the » Informix Dynamic Server Information Center. The major components of the PDO_INFORMIX DSN are:
Пример #1 PDO_INFORMIX DSN example using odbc.ini The following example shows a PDO_INFORMIX DSN for connecting to an Informix database cataloged as Infdrv33 in odbc.ini: $db = new PDO("informix:DSN=Infdrv33", "", ""); [ODBC Data Sources] Infdrv33=INFORMIX 3.3 32-BIT [Infdrv33] Driver=/opt/informix/csdk_2.81.UC1G2/lib/cli/iclis09b.so Description=INFORMIX 3.3 32-BIT Database=common_db LogonID=testuser pwd=testpass Servername=ids_server DB_LOCALE=en_US.819 OPTIMIZEAUTOCOMMIT=1 ENABLESCROLLABLECURSORS=1 Пример #2 PDO_INFORMIX DSN example using a connection string
The following example shows a PDO_INFORMIX DSN for connecting to
an Informix database named $db = new PDO("informix:host=host.domain.com; service=9800; database=common_db; server=ids_server; protocol=onsoctcp; EnableScrollableCursors=1", "testuser", "tespass"); |
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