УстановкаИнформация по установке этого расширения PECL может быть найдена в главе руководства Установка PECL расширений. Дополнительная информация, такая как новые версии, скачивание, исходные файлы, информация о разработчике и CHANGELOG, может быть найдена здесь: » http://pecl.php.net/package/sam. The SAM framework and MQTT support can be built and used without any other prerequisites. Support for protocols other than MQTT is provided via a set of libraries and some client side code referred to as XMS. If you only intend to use the built-in MQTT support then you can build and configure SAM as an extension or simply refer to php_sam.php with a require() or require_once() clause in your PHP script. In this case you need only install the code without building the extension using the pear installer: pecl install -B SAM Linux installation stepsThe sam extension is supplied as a PECL module, which you should be able to download and install in one step as follows: pecl install sam Make sure that the module is loaded by PHP, by adding following line to php.ini: extension=sam.so extension=sam_xms.so If you cannot use the PEAR installer, you can download the extension and build it manually: pear download sam #downloads sam-<version>.tgz tar -xzf sam-<version>.tgz cd sam-<version> phpize ./configure make make install #you may need to be root for this step To work with the very latest source, you'll need to extract it from SVN and build manually as above. Windows installation stepsYou will probably need to build the sam extension for Windows as there are only a limited range of pre-built binaries available from the SAM website. The extension can be built using the standard Windows extension build procedures. You will need the PHP source tree for the version of PHP you wish to build the SAM extension against which you can obtain from php.net. This should be unpacked into a working directory of your choice. You will also need the libraries and headers used by PHP extensions available from http://www.php.net/extra/win32build.zip and this should be unzipped so that is in your working directory. You should have something like: c:\php-build\- | |---php-5.0.5--|---build | |---ext | |--- ... | |---win32build--|---bin |---include |---lib You will need a compiler such as the free version of Visual Studio C++ Express from the Microsoft web site. Also you need the Microsoft SDK Microsoft Windows Platform which again can be downloaded from the Microsoft web site. Obtain the SAM extension source using pear (pecl download sam) or by using SVN and copy the files to a new "sam" directory under the "ext" directory in your PHP source tree. To build the extension open a build environment window by going to the start menu->all programs->microsoft platform SDK for windows->
open build environment window->windows 200 build environment-> set windows 2000 build environment (retail) This should open a command prompt with all the environment variables set up to access the platform SDK etc. You then need to set the environment variables for Visual Studio by issuing the command vcvars32.bat in the window. Change directory to your working directory e.g. cd c:\php-build. Then make sure the win32build tools are accessible by adding them to the PATH environment variable: set PATH=..\win32build\bin;%PATH% Run the buildconf.bat command. This should rebuild the configure.js file. Run the cscript command with the appropriate options. To build just the SAM extension framework and MQTT support use: cscript /nologo configure.js --with-sam cscript /nologo configure.js --with-sam --with-sam_xms="c:\program files\ibm\xms" The additional parameter passed for sam_xms is the installation path to the XMS libraries and runtime that were installed as described under prerequisites at the top of this page. You can specify whatever other cscript parameters you require to include or exclude items from the php build or select options. Assuming all has gone well so far you can now finally run a make for the SAM framework! nmake php_sam.dll nmake php_sam_xms.dll If you have used Visual Studio 2005 to build the DLLs please see below for additional steps that must be carried out before proceeding further. The DLLs created (php_sam.dll and optionally php_sam_xms.dll) can now be copied to the subdirectory appropriate for your PHP set-up. Make sure that the module(s) are loaded by PHP, by adding following line to php.ini: extension=php_sam.dll extension=php_sam_xms.dll Additional steps for Visual Studio 2005If you build the SAM extension with the Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 compiler and tools you need to perform an additional step in the build process to ensure the php_sam.dll is able to link with the C runtime libraries at runtime. This step includes the dependancy manifest into the DLL. Switch to the directory where the php_sam.dll has been generated (usually Release_TS or Debug_TS below the php source directory) and issue the following magic incantation: mt.exe -manifest php_sam.dll.manifest -outputresource:php_sam.dll;2 mt.exe -manifest php_sam_xms.dll.manifest -outputresource:php_sam_xms.dll;2 If you build the SAM extension using the compiler and libraries from Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 you will also need to ensure that the runtime components are installed on the system on which you intend to use SAM. This can be accomplished by installing Visual Studio 2005 or by using the freely distributable » runtime package. |
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