The Yaf_Dispatcher class

(Информация о версии неизвестна, возможно, только в SVN)


Yaf_Dispatcher purpose is to initialize the request environment, route the incoming request, and then dispatch any discovered actions; it aggregates any responses and returns them when the process is complete.

Yaf_Dispatcher also implements the Singleton pattern, meaning only a single instance of it may be available at any given time. This allows it to also act as a registry on which the other objects in the dispatch process may draw.

Обзор классов

final Yaf_Dispatcher {
/* Свойства */
protected $_view ;
protected $_request ;
protected $_plugins ;
protected static $_instance ;
protected $_auto_render ;
protected $_return_response ;
protected $_instantly_flush ;
protected $_default_module ;
protected $_default_action ;
/* Методы */
public Yaf_Dispatcher Yaf_Dispatcher::autoRender ( bool $flag )
public Yaf_Dispatcher Yaf_Dispatcher::catchException ([ bool $flag ] )
private void Yaf_Dispatcher::__clone ( void )
public Yaf_Dispatcher Yaf_Dispatcher::disableView ( void )
public Yaf_Response_Abstract Yaf_Dispatcher::dispatch ( Yaf_Request_Abstract $request )
public Yaf_Dispatcher Yaf_Dispatcher::enableView ( void )
public Yaf_Dispatcher Yaf_Dispatcher::flushInstantly ( bool $flag )
public Yaf_Application Yaf_Dispatcher::getApplication ( void )
public static Yaf_Dispatcher Yaf_Dispatcher::getInstance ( void )
public Yaf_Request_Abstract Yaf_Dispatcher::getRequest ( void )
public Yaf_Router Yaf_Dispatcher::getRouter ( void )
public Yaf_View_Interface Yaf_Dispatcher::initView ( string $templates_dir [, array $options ] )
public Yaf_Dispatcher Yaf_Dispatcher::registerPlugin ( Yaf_Plugin_Abstract $plugin )
public Yaf_Dispatcher Yaf_Dispatcher::returnResponse ( bool $flag )
public Yaf_Dispatcher Yaf_Dispatcher::setAppDirectory ( string $directory )
public Yaf_Dispatcher Yaf_Dispatcher::setDefaultAction ( string $action )
public Yaf_Dispatcher Yaf_Dispatcher::setDefaultController ( string $controller )
public Yaf_Dispatcher Yaf_Dispatcher::setDefaultModule ( string $module )
public Yaf_Dispatcher Yaf_Dispatcher::setErrorHandler ( call $callback , int $error_types )
public Yaf_Dispatcher Yaf_Dispatcher::setRequest ( Yaf_Request_Abstract $request )
public Yaf_Dispatcher Yaf_Dispatcher::setView ( Yaf_View_Interface $view )
private void Yaf_Dispatcher::__sleep ( void )
public Yaf_Dispatcher Yaf_Dispatcher::throwException ([ bool $flag ] )
private void Yaf_Dispatcher::__wakeup ( void )














Участник рейтинга Тэглайн 2010