The RecursiveCallbackFilterIterator class

(PHP 5 >= 5.4.0)


Обзор классов

RecursiveCallbackFilterIterator extends CallbackFilterIterator implements OuterIterator , Traversable , Iterator , RecursiveIterator {
/* Методы */
public __construct ( RecursiveIterator $iterator , string $callback )
public RecursiveCallbackFilterIterator getChildren ( void )
public void hasChildren ( void )
/* Наследуемые методы */
public string CallbackFilterIterator::accept ( void )


The callback should accept up to three arguments: the current item, the current key and the iterator, respectively.

Пример #1 Available callback arguments


 * Callback for RecursiveCallbackFilterIterator
 * @param $current   Current item's value
 * @param $key       Current item's key
 * @param $iterator  Iterator being filtered
 * @return boolean   TRUE to accept the current item, FALSE otherwise
function my_callback($current$key$iterator) {
// Your filtering code here


Filtering a recursive iterator generally involves two conditions. The first is that, to allow recursion, the callback function should return TRUE if the current iterator item has children. The second is the normal filter condition, such as a file size or extension check as in the example below.

Пример #2 Recursive callback basic example


= new FilesystemIterator(__DIR__);

// Filter large files ( > 100MB)
$files = new RecursiveCallbackFilterIterator($dir, function ($current$key$iterator) {
// Allow recursion
if ($iterator->hasChildren()) {
// Check for large file
if ($current->isFile() && $current->getSize() > 104857600) {
foreach (new 
RecursiveIteratorIterator($files) as $file) {
$file->getPathname() . PHP_EOL;



Участник рейтинга Тэглайн 2010